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First of all, I am not a fan of triggers because of a number of reasons, but i will not go into those in this blog. Anyway, triggers can be useful sometimes, and there are two types of triggers, AFTER trigger and INSTEAD OF TRIGGER. In this blog, I’ll focus on the INSTEAD OF TRIGGER.
When this trigger is fired it will handle all records in the same call. That means that you need to take care of all the records in the INSERTED or UPDATED table and update your undlerlying table. Take a look at this sample:
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].TABLES t WHERE t.[TABLE_SCHEMA] ='dbo' AND t.[TABLE_NAME] = 'triggerTest') DROP TABLE [dbo].[triggerTest] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[triggerTest]( [col1] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [myName] [varchar](50) COLLATE Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS NOT NULL, lastUpdated DATE NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_triggerTest] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [col1] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, FILLFACTOR = 80) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trigg ON dbo.triggerTest INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- get the records from inserted table DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) SELECT @name = [myName] FROM INSERTED IF EXISTS(SELECT [myName] FROM [dbo].[triggerTest] WHERE [myName] = @name) UPDATE [dbo].[triggerTest] SET lastUpdated = GETDATE() WHERE [dbo].[triggerTest].[myName] = @name ELSE -- insert the records in the table INSERT INTO dbo.[triggerTest] ([myName]) VALUES (@name) END GO -- insert three records in triggerTest INSERT INTO [dbo].[triggerTest] ([myName]) VALUES ('Håkan Winther'), ('Jan Nieminen'), ('Göran Rönnbäck') -- and take a look at the result SELECT * FROM dbo.[triggerTest] AS tt --as you can see, only one record is inserted --that's because the instead of trigger is --handling all records in the same call --and my trigger is only handling one record GO ALTER TRIGGER dbo.trigg ON dbo.triggerTest INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- update existing records UPDATE [dbo].[triggerTest] SET lastUpdated = GETDATE() WHERE [dbo].[triggerTest].[myName] IN (SELECT [myName] FROM INSERTED) -- insert the new records in the table INSERT INTO dbo.[triggerTest] ([myName]) SELECT i.[myName] FROM INSERTED I LEFT JOIN [dbo].[triggerTest] AS TT ON I.myName = tt.[myName] WHERE tt.col1 IS NULL END GO -- insert three records in triggerTest INSERT INTO [dbo].[triggerTest] ([myName]) VALUES ('Håkan Winther'), ('Jan Nieminen'), ('Göran Rönnbäck') -- and take a look at the result SELECT * FROM dbo.[triggerTest] AS tt
As you can see, before we changed the trigger, only the last record is inserted (or updated). After the trigger was changed to use the INSERTED table, the complete set of records was inserted or updated. Make sure you take care of all records in the trigger, otherwise you are in serious trouble.
If you have any SQL server related questions, feel free to contact any of our SQL server consultants and we will help you.
Håkan Winther
twitter: @h_winther