SQLUG dvs Swedish SQL Server User Group inbjuder till träffar under september där först Boris…
SQLUG dvs Swedish SQL Server User Group inbjuder till träff med Klaus Aschenbrenner som gör en Sverige-turné strax innan midsommar på tre orter.
Session info:
Fast your seatbelt – Troubleshooting ugly SQL Server problems
Do you have enough from “normal” performance tuning sessions? You can’t hear anything about Indexing and Execution Plans anymore? Then you are right in this session! In this session we will walk into the heart of SQL Server, and you will see performance bottlenecks and error conditions, from which your production SQL Server’s should be afraid of. You will learn some troubleshooting techniques with which you can identify and solve the most difficult SQL Server problems. Agenda at a glance:
*) Hold Locks with Read Committed
*) ThreadPool Starvation
*) TempDb Latch Contention
*) Spinlock Contention
Klaus Aschenbrenner provides with his company SQLpassion SQL Server consulting & training services across Europe. Klaus works with SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2014 from the very beginnings. Klaus has also written the book Pro SQL Server 2008. Further information about Klaus you can find on his homepage at http://www.SQLpassion.at. He also twitters at http://twitter.com/
Läs mer och anmäl er på:
SQLUG-träff med Klaus Aschenbrenner i Malmö:
Plats: Radisson Blu Malmö
Tid: Tisdagen den 16:e juni kl 09.00 – 11.00
SQLUG-träff med Klaus Aschenbrenner i Göteborg:
Plats: Göteborg City Konferens
Tid: Tisdagen den 16:e juni kl 17.00 – 19.00
SQLUG-träff med Klaus Aschenbrenner i Stockholm
Plats: Citykonferensen Ingenjörshuset
Tid: Onsdagen den 17:e juni kl 18.00 – 20.00