Just a brief demo of dynamic use of OFFSET through a loop

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DECLARE — Let us declare variables:
  @count int = 0, — Start
  @to int, — End
  @rows int = 10; — Rows per set
SELECT — Now we’re gonna
  @to = count(*) / @rows — determe the number of sets
FROM sys.columns — from this table
WHILE @count <= @to — This loops all through to the last set
  SELECT — Returning these
    * — columns
  FROM sys.columns — from this table
  ORDER BY 1 ASC — in this order (here just based on first column).
  OFFSET (0 + (@count * @rows)) — Based on loop we get the starting point of the offset.
  ROW FETCH NEXT (@rows) ROWS ONLY — The number of rows we’re fetching!
  SET @count += 1 — Next step!